(キャンセル待ちは、引き続き受付中) 2023.11.14追記
地域のインバウンド誘客に向け、“室戸阿南海岸国定公園”で“SDGs ”を案内人と楽しみながら学ぶ!伊島・出羽島離島巡りとウミガメの故郷大浜海岸<3日間>のモニターツアー参加者を募集いたします。詳細は下記をご参照ください。
お申込み方法は info@shimatoworks.jp までメールにて、下記内容をご送信くださいませ。
・お名前(フルネーム 英語または漢字と読み仮名)
Thank you,applications have been closed
Cancellation waiting list accepted 2023.11.14
Sustainable Tour in Lower Right of Shikoku
To attract inbound visitors, enjoy a trip with a local tour guide accompanied by an English interpreter while learning about SDGs in Muroto Anan Beach National Park!
Explore Ishima and Tebajima island, Visit the sea turtle’s Home at Oohama Beach.
To apply, please send an e-mail to info@shimatoworks.jp with the following information.
(for all participants)
Your name (full name in English or Kanji or Hiragana or Katakana)
・Date of birth
・Phone number
Your application will be completed when we reply to you.
Please note:
participation is not guaranteed depending on the number of applications.
Application Deadline: Monday, November 20, 2012
Limited to10 applicants